Application of Soil Water Resources Analysis in Determination of Irrigation Quota of Crops 土壤水资源量分析在确定作物灌溉定额中的具体应用
Effects of initial soil water content and rainfall intensity on Loess infiltration capacity 土壤初始含水率和降雨强度对黏黄土入渗性能的影响
Effects of drip irrigation mode on spatial distribution of soil water and nitrogen and winter wheat yield 滴灌模式对农田土壤水氮空间分布及冬小麦产量的影响
The paper studied the soil water status in Pailugou forest and grass complex watershed in Qilian Mountains. 对祁连山排露沟林草复合流域土壤水分状况进行了系统研究。
Therefore, the method is a simple workable one for calculation of soil water diffusivity. 因此,三次样条函数法是计算土壤水分扩散率的一种简便可行的方法。
Soil water erosion is a complex physicochemical process. 土壤水蚀是一个复杂的物理化学过程。
The critical soil water capacity was 9.78% when Starkrimson young apple trees needed irrigation. 对新红星苹果幼树灌溉的临界土壤含水量轻壤土为9.78%;
As expected, the retrieved soil water content and wheat coverage are consistent with those of field measurements. 验证结果表明:土壤含水量和小麦覆盖度反演结果与地面调查和测量结果一致。
Distribution features of field soil water and salt under the drip irrigation and evaporation 田间滴灌入渗与蒸发条件下土壤水盐分布特征
To some extent, soil water repellency was caused after irrigated by brackish water. 微咸水入渗后土壤产生了一定的斥水性。
Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Nitrate and Nitrite Contamination in the Soil Water and Groundwater 施硝酸盐肥料的土壤.施肥对大棚蔬菜地土壤水及地下水硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐污染的研究
Rainfall made soil increase more water if the initial soil water content lower. 土壤初始含水量越低,降雨使土壤水分含量增量越大。
Study on the Effect of Soil Water Content to Yield in Corn 土壤含水量对玉米产量因素的影响研究
Study on the Soil Water Infiltration Properties in Contour Hedgerow System 等高绿篱系统土壤水分入渗特性研究
Research on Plastic Film Mulching Effect to Soil Water Resources Amount and Utilization in Cotton Field 棉田覆膜对田间土壤水资源量及其利用的影响研究
Loss rate of soil water and leaf water is controlled under drought. 在干旱胁迫下,可有效地抑制土壤水分的损失速率,使烟叶的水分损失得到控制。
The effect of different tillage on soil water and soil temperature of winter-wheat field 不同耕作措施对冬小麦农田土壤水分和温度的影响
Effects of Different Irrigation Based on Soil Water Potential on Growth and Yield of Rice 基于土壤水势的灌溉对水稻生长和产量的影响
A Study of Representative Vegetation Effects on Soil Water Potential in Taihang Mountainous Region 太行山区典型植被对土壤水势动态的影响研究
Theoretically, one would expect the distribution of a fumigant to be more rapid at lower soil water contents. 在理论上,预计熏蒸剂的分配在土壤水分含量较低时会更迅速。
Effects of Slope Soil Water Content on Soil Shear Strength of Different Vegetation 边坡土壤含水率对不同植被土壤抗剪强度的影响
The studies on the effects of temperature and soil water content for the number of Oribatida and Collembola were made. 对不同温度和土壤含水量甲螨和跳虫数量的关系进行了实验观察。
Relationships between Yield and Spatial Variability of Soil Water and Nutrient Contents at Different Growing Stages of Winter Wheat 不同生育阶段土壤水分和养分空间变异与冬小麦产量关系的研究
Effects of Soil Water Content on Cotton Root Growth and Distribution Under Mulched Drip Irrigation 不同土壤湿度对膜下滴灌棉花根系生长和分布的影响
Studies on the Soil Water Transport Characters in Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum System under Different Conservation Tillage in Dryland of Loess Plateau 不同保护性耕作措施对黄土高原旱地农田SPAC系统中水分运移特性的影响研究
Study on Water-Consumption Characteristics and Drought-Resistance Mechanism of Three Provenances of Wild Jujube Seedlings under Different Soil Water Content 不同土壤水分下3个种源酸枣幼苗的耗水特性和抗旱机理研究
Effects of Different Soil Water Conditions and Potassium Fertilizer Forms on Flue-cured Tobacco Growth and Potassium Content 不同水分条件和钾肥形态对烤烟生长及含钾量的影响
Based on the energy theory of soil water, this paper studied the influence of sand layer in loess column oninfiltration characteristics by laboratory experiments and mathematical simulation. 本文根据土壤水的能量原理,对砂层在黄土中的入渗特性进行了室内一维土柱的入渗试验研究及数学模拟。
Soil water stress also influenced wheat grain quality, which mostly show on protein and starch contents. 同时,土壤水分也影响小麦品质,主要表现在蛋白质和淀粉上。